About Us

Welcome to First Beaute


We believe beauty glows from within and we thrive to bring out the best of every woman.

Health and beauty are women’s life-long mission. In this modern era where quality, safeness and effectiveness are the key elements of a luxury lifestyle, it is our goal to build a trusted platform so we can do all the testings and hard work so that our customers will have more time to enjoy life and spend time with their loved ones.

First Beaute is founded by Doris Lui, a beauty advocate who started her modelling career since 16 year-old. She also delicate herself to many charity works. With her immerse experiences in the field of beauty, health and anti-aging, Doris wants to share her own journey to women around the world. We strive to source natural supplements and high-quality skincare products to our e-commerce platform. All our products are clinically tested and dermatologically approved, so it’s safe and effective to enjoy. We believe that every woman is special and we are a community for women to shine in her own unique way.

We love our clients

What They're Saying

年紀漸長,骨膠原流失是必然的。看着從前漲卜卜的臉龐,像個氣球般慢慢在漏氣,(自從瘦身以後,這個問題更嚴重),我便不停嘗試任何品牌的骨膠原補充食品。直至用了 Placentist Jelly,已下陷的臉蛋像是再度充氣,皮膚回復彈性,樣子看起來也精神多了。多謝 Placentist。 .. 梁佩瑚 1989年香港小姐季軍,香港知名女作家及填詞人..


初初接觸 Placentist 胎盤啫喱的時候的確有點擔心,因為不知道這個產品是否安全,但後來看過所有檢驗報告之後發現這個產品已經過香港認可檢驗,絕不含荷爾蒙和激素,所以很放心去嘗試,現在每天早上服用這個胎盤啫喱Placentist 差不多一年了,感覺自己皮膚充滿彈性,一天比一天好,狀態愈來愈年輕,很感恩可以遇到一個這麼好的抗衰老產品呢! .. 洪欣 影視紅星 ..


我鍾意Placentist 胎盤啫喱嘅原因係佢可以喺好短時間裏面令到我嘅皮膚回複彈性,毛孔收細,每朝空肚食兩包方便又好味,同埋最緊要係食得安全又放心!win win ^_^ 另外我都想推薦網店上另一款抗衰老產品畀大家—Ellecime 嘅胎盤保濕精華。呢支精華真係無得頂!無論你幾攰嘅皮膚狀態,只要臨瞓前搽一搽,第二朝早簡直有「重生」嘅感覺,好明顯地皮膚充滿水份、光澤同彈性。.. Chris Chau 星級化妝師..

Chris Chau

對於愛美嘅我,患上癌病簡直係令我崩潰。化療及藥物治療令我皮膚質素變差,更令骨膠原流失導致臉容憔悴。初初經朋友介紹得知日本抗衰老產品Placentist 胎盤啫喱可幫助改善皮膚。但因為始終都係啱啱完成所有化療療程,也會有少少擔心,怕會對身體有不良影響,但細看各項檢驗報告及醫生朋友意見,證明各方面都不會有不良影響,所以決定試食。意想不到的是,皮膚好快就已經回復昔日嘅狀態,朋友甚至話比未患病前更好,而生白頭髮明顯都比前少咗。點解可以除咗令皮膚好咗仲要少咗白頭髮,呢個感覺真係太神奇!另外因為疫情期間少運動及減少了戶外活動,所以增咗唔少磅,但食咗苦丁茶即可以減少及排出多餘油份,令我好快就可以瘦番好多,咁就唔使再擔心食得太多啦!我真心誠意推介畀大家 .. SiMon Chow 星級形象指導..

SiMon Chow

最近因為喺幕前工作多咗,都會多加留意自己嘅儀容,不過隨著年齡增長,骨膠原也漸漸流失,整個面龐睇上去都比以前憔悴咗。當正尋求解決方法期間,有朋友介紹咗抗衰老產品Placentist啫喱,每天起床後只需要食一包,味道好似草莓果凍一樣,又方便又好食!食咗幾日,就已經有好顯著嘅效果,皮膚迅速回復彈性,真係有啲似BB咁滑溜,蘋果肌都漲卜卜,感覺真的很神奇!為咗保持「靚靚」,我一定會好有恆心持續食嘅!Thanks Placentist .. 羅敏莊 影視紅星..

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